Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Revieww the peospects of the UK meeting these targets by 2020, and to Essay

Revieww the peospects of the UK meeting these targets by 2020, and to identify the main barriers that could cause the targets no - Essay Example The paper will throw light on how the EU will meet its target, what barriers it faces and what are the prospect ways in which it can meet its target. Sources of Energy in the UK: In UK energy sources are via both renewable an non renewable sourcues. During 2004, total electricity generated stood as following: gas – 39.93% (0.05% in 1990) coal – 33.08% (67.22% in 1990) nuclear – 19.26% (18.97% in 1990) renewables – 3.55% (0% in 1990) hydroelectric – 1.10% (2.55% in 1990) imports – 1.96% (3.85% in 1990) oil – 1.12% (6.82% in 1990) The currenct electricity consumption in UK stands a 330 TWh p.a reduced in 2009 . At the moment the statistics of it’s fuels stand as following: 1. Coal – 29% 2. Natural Gas- 45% 3. Nuclear- 17% 4. Oil – 1% 5. Hydro and Renewables – 5% 6. Wind – 3 % Coal was the primary source of energy in UK during the 1940s. 90% of the generating capacity of UK was taken care of by coal whil e the remainder was looked after by Oil. Soon UK began expanding it’s energy producing capacity and domains. In the 1950s, it acquired nuclear generating capacity through the Calder Hall that was connected to the grid on 27th August 1956. This set the set trend for various other similar civil stations in the country. At this point more than 26% of the nation’s electicirity was generated via nuclear electricity. It peak in mid 1970s. During this period the overall electricity generation from oil continued to decline. Since the inception of 1993 and all the way through to the 1990s, electricity generation via coal was scaled up to boost gas fuelled generation. Various steps were undertaken to support this endeavor. This includes the privitisation of the National Coal Board, British Gas, the introduction of new policies favoring competition within the UK market and availability of cheap gas from the North sea. The scenario change was from 1.09% to 30.25% of gas produced u sed in electricity generation between 1900 to 2005. By then coal production in power stations had also fallen by 43.6% compared to the previous 1980 levels though it was slightly higher in 1999. During the 1990s and somewhere from it’s mid, reneweable sources of energy began to crop up in UK. They also added to the overall electricity generated, there by giving rise to hydro electricity generation capacity in UK. Current Energy Consumption In the United Kingdom: According to present statistics, United Kingdom is consuming 3894 kgs of oil equivalent per capita. On the contrary the world is consuming approximately 1778.0 kilograms of oil per capital. According to a statistics under taken by worldwide total, the total energy consumed in the last 2 years has been 9.85 exajoules. This means it is an estimated 2% of the world total of 474 EJ of energy. The over all demand for electicity has averaged at 40 GW in the last 2 years and was at 60 GW at it’s peak. The demand for e lectricity has been steadily increasing in the last 5 years in UK. UK 2008-Primary Energy Consumption (Energy resources) The table depicts that in UK primary energy consumption came down by 1.8% in 2008. Table shows that UK is dependent for 75% of its energy from oil and gas. Both oil and gas consumption have increased while coal consumption has decreased by 10.7%.. Almost 40% of the primary energy consumed was utilized in electricity generation. Similarly the contribution by renewable sources of en

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